8 Charming Things To Do in Castle Combe, Cotswolds

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Castle Combe: Where Time Stands Still and Beauty Abounds

Step into a fairytale and be transported to a world where time stands still and beauty abounds. This is the magic you’ll experience when visiting Castle Combe, a captivating village in the heart of England.

Beyond its visual appeal, Castle Combe boasts a rich history and cultural heritage that can be uncovered as you explore its winding streets. From ancient churches and medieval architecture to tales of knights and nobles, every corner whispers stories of the past. As you walk through the village, you can’t help but feel connected to the generations that came before.

The enchanting atmosphere of Castle Combe is something you have to experience to truly understand. The air is filled with tranquility and serenity that seems to exist outside of time. There’s a feeling of stepping into a different world, where the worries and busyness of everyday life fade away, allowing you to bask in the pure magic and wonder of this extraordinary place.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the prettiest spots and most charming things to do in Castle Combe, thus ensuring your visit to this village is nothing short of unforgettable. Whether you’re planning a day trip or a longer stay, my hope is to help you make the most of your time in this enchanting corner of England.

8 Charming Things To Do in Castle Combe, Cotswolds

Stay at The Old Museum

The Old Museum is a detached holiday home at the lower end of the hill leading into Castle Combe village center. The building is one of the first ones you will encounter as you make your way to the heart of the village. It is the perfect retreat to enjoy quiet street views, and to be centrally located in the village!

You can book a stay in “The Old Museum” here!

Walk down “The Street”

Walking down “The Street” from the parking lot, you will find yourself surrounded by beautiful trees and nature. This is the street that gives access to the village from the lower end. Beautiful cottages also adorn this lane (just be mindful of the cars driving on this road as you make your way to the village).

Visit Dower House, The Dr. Dolittle House

The Dower House is a grade II listed building in Castle Combe. It is one of the most recognizable residences in Castle Combe as it is The Dower House from Dr. Dolittle in the 1967 movie version. The delightful lemon residence sits on “The Street” leading up towards the car park. It is beautiful and definitely worth admiring!

Visit The Market Cross

The Market Cross was built to mark the place where the weekly market took place in the 14th Century. Back in the day, villages needed permission from the King to hold a market, and, luckily, Castle Combe was granted one. The Market Cross monument reflects “the significance of the cloth industry in this area.”

Pay a visit to St Andrew’s Church

This stunning Church was founded in the 13th Century, but it has been rebuilt and extended during the centuries. Inside the church, you will find the statue of Sir Walter de Dunstanville, Baron of Castle Combe, who died in 1270. Upon inspecting the statue, you will notice he is crossed-legged, which means he went on two crusades!

Visitors are welcome to step inside the church during daylight hours. The churchyard is also worth visiting and admiring. Donations are always welcome!

Walk down “Market Pl” and admire the beautiful cottages

Delving further into the picture-perfect village of Castle Combe, you’ll uncover an array of charming cottages that embody the essence of rural England. These quaint dwellings, adorned with beautifully manicured gardens and ivy-clad walls, transport you back in time to a place where simplicity and tranquility reign supreme. Strolling down “Market Pl,” it is impossible not to feel a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era.

Nestled amongst these delightful cottages, you’ll find a treasure trove of cozy tea rooms that invite you to take a pause from your explorations and indulge in the finer things in life. Step inside and be greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly brewed tea, mingling with the mouthwatering scent of freshly baked scones. The friendly staff are always ready with a warm smile and a range of delectable treats to tempt your taste buds.

Get a picture of the bridge over the River Bybrook

This is perhaps the most popular spot in Castle Combe to take a picture. The area is simply stunning and it captures the whole essence of the village. Being that there have been no new buildings constructed in Castle Combe since the 1600s, you’ll find that almost all of them are protected and graded—including these cuties!

Snap a picture sitting on “Queen Elizabeth’s bench”

If you are a Royal fan then you might want to snap a picture sitting on the bench situated on the bridge over the Riber Bybrook and facing Castle Combe’s famous cottages. The bench offers a lovely view and has been placed in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Visit the Castle Combe Manor

The Manor was built in the 14th Century and it used to be the residence of Sir John Oldcastle, a “distinguished soldier and martyred leader of the Lollards.” You can book a stay at the Manor or, if you want a simpler and more accessible option, you can come here for coffee, lunch, afternoon tea, or dinner. You can visit the gardens for free, but be mindful of special events going on at the Manor such as weddings or other important reunions.

Plan your visit to Castle Combe

From its origins as a thriving wool trade center to its role as a backdrop for numerous films and television series, Castle Combe wears its cultural heritage proudly. The village’s remarkable history unfolds with every step you take, revealing stories that have shaped its identity.

To fully appreciate the rich history of Castle Combe, consider joining a guided tour or booking an experience here

For more accommodations options, visit booking.com to find your next stay!

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